Senin, 09 April 2012


                As well as the Internet benefits the Positive and Negative Impact-Benefits Internet Internet And Positive and Negative Impact of the Internet. Internet use does not only have a positive impact, but there are also many negative impacts. The Internet offers enormous benefits, but on the other hand, the Internet becomes a medium of information that is not easy to be limited. various kinds of information in various forms and mixed into a single destination where to access it only takes one touch of a finger. A variety of information easily distributed to Internet users. Regardless of the impact that might arise, the Internet was still a new technology in computing and communication that can provide greater convenience for the users. In the next few years can be sure that the Internet will become the backbone of the development of computers. 

Positive Impact of Internet
        Internet has helped many people in all aspects of life so that the internet has contributed fully in social life. With the Internet anything we can do both positive and negative.Internet as a medium of communication, is a function of the Internet's most widely used where any Internet user can communicate with other users worldwide. Media data exchange, using email, newsgroups, ftp and www (world wide web - a network of web sites) of Internet users around the world can exchange information quickly and cheaply.Media to seek information or data, the Internet's rapid development, making www as one important source of information and accurate. Ease of obtaining information on the internet so that people know what happened.Land can be used as information for education, culture, and others.
                                                                                   Negative Impact of Internet
1. Cybercrime is crime in one's done by means of the Internet in a virtual world that is.• Across the state border• Actions carried out illegally• Losses are very large• Hard evidence is legallyOther forms of cybercrime as follows:Hacking - Business into a network with the intention of exploring or looking for a network system weaknesses.Cracking - illegally entering a business network with the intent to steal, alter or destroy files that are stored on the network.
2. Parnografi Odds that the Internet is identical with parnografi, it is not wrong. With the ability to deliver information that is owned internet, pornography was widespread. In anticipation of this, the manufacturers 'browsers' complete their program with the ability to choose the type of home-page that can be accessed. On the internet there are images of pornography and violence can result in a boost to someone for a criminal act.
3. Violence And Gore Cruelty and sadism are also many displayed. Because the business side and the content on the Internet world is not limited to, the owner of the site using all sorts of ways to 'sell' their site. One of them by showing things that are taboo. 
4. FraudIt is indeed rampant in any field. Internet did not escape the attacks fraudsters. The best way is to ignore it or confirm the information you get at the information provider. 
5. Carding Because of its 'real time' (direct), how to shop using credit cards is the most widely used in the Internet world. Internet criminals even the most committed crimes in this field.With the open nature, the criminals were able to detect the existence of a transaction (which uses the credit card) on-line and record the card code is used. To further their use of the data they receive for their evil purposes.
6. Gambling Another effect is the expansion of gambling. With the available networks, the gamblers do not have to go to a special place to fulfill his wish. You only need to avoid sites like this, because the gambling sites are generally not aggressive and require a lot of approval from the visitors.
7. Reduce the social nature of man because it tends to prefer to connect via the internet rather than meet face to face (face to face). Of the social nature of the change can lead to changes in the patterns of interaction. Crimes such as cheating and stealing can be done on the internet (crime also changes). Can make a person addicted, particularly those involving parnografi and can spend the money because it is only to serve the addictions.